Annual Sports Calendar click here.
Athletic Director: Rebecca Dooley
Click Here to Register
Mission Statement
The mission of Vista Peak Exploratory athletics and activities is to provide opportunities for students that maximize student engagement, participation and achievement. Student athletes are expected to display a competitive spirit, exhibit good sportsmanship and meet our standards for behavior and academic effort.
We believe that participation in athletics and activities is a powerful tool for the academic and personal growth of our students. The work habits and character development necessary to be successful in athletics and activities have a direct influence on a student’s academic and personal achievement.

The following needs to be completed and handed in prior to participation in any school sponsored athletic practice or event:
- Registration Form / Parent Permission
- Sportsmanship Pledge
- Insurance Waiver
- Emergency Contact
- Physical History Form / Physical Examination Form - Expires each year
- Athletic Fee of $35 per sport - Checks can be made out to Vista PEAK, please include the child's name and grade on the check
Students will practice Monday - Friday from 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM on student contact days, unless there is a game or practice is canceled. Please check with each coach to find out their practice schedule. If your child is to be picked up, please be on time.