Volunteer Engagement

For more information about Volunteers please click here

Google Form LogoVolunteers are an important part of our school success and we appreciate having a robust and active volunteer community. Our students love seeing their parents, family members, and community members involved in our school, and our staff appreciates all of the help!

Volunteers are utilized to help support classrooms, small groups of students, the library, cafeteria, and multiple other areas of the school. Times and days of support are flexible and we will work with your schedule to allow you to find volunteer opportunities that work for you.

Vista Peak Exploratory is proud to be a member school of Watch D.O.G.S, the Watch Dog Dad program. This incredibly important program brings our dads into our schools to support and engage with their students and the school community as a whole.

If you are interested in joining our incredible team of volunteers here at VPE please fill out the Information in this Google Form.

Teacher helping Students trace letters