School Supplies


SUPPLY LIST 2024-2025

Parents, please note that when purchasing supply items they do not need to be name brand.  Generic brands are acceptable.  Thank you!



(1) - Paper Napkins

(2) - Choose-a-Size Paper Towels 

(1) - Facial Tissues

(1) - Crayola® Crayons 

(1) - Elmer's® Small Washable All Purpose School Glue Stick

(1) - Crayola® Washable Markers, Classic Colors, Broad Tip

(1) -  Ream of Copy Paper 

(1) -  Folder, 3-Hole 

(1) -  Box of gallon size Ziploc bags


Please do not put names on supplies

(1) - Wired Headphones (to plug into a chromebook - no bluetooth- no earbuds ) **MUST HAVE

(2) - Disinfecting Wipes  (for surfaces, not for hands).

(2) - Pre-Sharpened # 2, 12 ct., Yellow

(1) - Red 2 Pocket Heavy Duty Poly Folder 

(3) - Crayola® Crayons, 24 ct.

(3) - Kleenex® Facial Tissues, 85 ct.

(8) - Glue Stick, .21 oz.

(8) - Dry Erase Markers.

(1) - Box of sandwich size Ziploc bags

(1) - Box of gallon size Ziploc bags

(1) - Black Sharpie Marker

(1) - Clear heavy duty sheet protectors 


Please label non-shared items with your child’s name (headphones, folders, binder)

(1) - Wired Headphones (to plug into a chromebook - no bluetooth or earbuds) MUST HAVE

(2) - Crayola® Crayons, 24 ct.

(1) - Crayola® Markers, Classic, Broad Tip, 8 ct.

(6) - Elmer's® Small Washable All Purpose School Glue Stick

(2) - Ticonderoga® #2 Pencils, Pre-Sharpened, 12 ct., Yellow

(16) - Expo® Low Odor Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, BLACK ONLY

(1) - 2 Pocket Heavy Duty Poly Folder with Brads, Red (please NO paper folders)

(1) - 2 Pocket Heavy Duty Poly Folder with Brads, Blue (please NO paper folders)

(2) - Disinfecting wipes 

(4) - Kleenex® Facial Tissues

(1)- Sandwich size ziploc bags

(1) - 1 inch three ring binder

(1)- 50-100 pack of sheet protectors


(1) - Wired Headphones (to plug into a chromebook - no bluetooth) * Name on them MUST HAVE!

(3) - 2 Pocket Heavy Duty Poly Folder, Assorted Colors (please NO paper folders) *Name on front

(4) - Wide Ruled Composition Book, 100 ct., Black

(4) - Ticonderoga® #2 Pencils, Pre-Sharpened, 12 ct., Yellow

(1) - Crayola® Crayons, 24 ct.

(1) - Crayola® Markers, Classic, Broad Tip, 8 ct.

(8) - Expo® Low Odor Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Black

(2) - Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach-Free, Pop-up Canister (for surfaces, not for hands), 24 ct.

(1) - Hand Sanitizer

(1) - Fiskars® Kids Scissors, Pointed Tip, 5", Ages 4+, Assorted Colors

(2) - Kleenex® Facial Tissues, 85 ct.

(1) - clipboard  *Name on front

(1) - Boys - Box of gallon size bags

(1) - Girls - Box of sandwich size bags 


(1) - Self Stick Notes, 3" x 3", 100 sheets, Assorted Bright Colors

(3) - Elmer's® Small Washable All Purpose School Glue Stick, .21 oz.

Pack of 3” x 5” index cards


(1) - Highlighters, 6 Pack, Assorted: Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Pink, Purple 

(4) -#2 Pencil, Pre-sharpened, 12 ct.  

(1) - Scissors  

(2) - Eraser, Latex-Free

(1) - Expo® Low Odor Dry Erase Markers, 10 ct. 

(2) - Kleenex® Facial Tissues, 85 ct. 

(1) - Quart Zipper Bags (boys) and Gallon Zipper bags (girls), 24 ct. (optional)

(1)- Sharpie (optional)

(1) - Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach-Free, Pop-up Canister (for surfaces, not for hands), 24 ct.

Please put name on items with a *

*(1) - Earbuds or wired headphones (Personal, please keep in plastic bag with name on it) (no bluetooth)

*(1) - Crayola® Colored Pencils, Full Length, Sharpened, 12 ct.

*(1) - Crayola® Markers, Classic, Broad Tip, 8 ct.                      

*(3) - Wide Ruled Composition Book, 100 ct.   *Name on front     

*(1) - Graph paper composition book                *Name on front

*(4) - 4 Pocket Heavy Duty Poly Folder, 4 different colors- (1 Blue, 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green)   *Name on front

*(1) - Clipboard (Optional) *Name on front


(1) - Wired Headphones (to plug into a chromebook - no bluetooth) **MUST HAVE

(3) - Kleenex® Facial Tissues, 85 ct.

(2) - Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach-Free, Pop-up Canister (for surfaces, not for hands)

(3) - #2 Pencil, Pre-sharpened, 24 ct.

(2) - Elmer's® Small Washable All Purpose School Glue Stick, .21 oz.

(4) - Expo® Low Odor Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Black

(3) - 2 Pocket Heavy Duty Poly Folder (NO brads)

(1) - Highlighters

(2) - Eraser, Latex-Free

(1) - Fiskars® Big Kids Scissors, 6"

(3) - Self Stick Notes, 3" x 3", 100 sheets, Yellow

(1) - Crayola® Crayons, 24 ct. OR Crayola® Markers, Classic, 8 ct.

(1) - Wide Ruled Composition Books

(1)-  Wide Ruled Filler Paper, 100 ct., 3-Hole Punched

(1) - one-inch binder

(1) - package dividers

(1)- Pencil Case


(1) - Wired Headphones (to plug into a chromebook - no bluetooth) **MUST HAVE (3) - Antibacterial Wet Wipes

(2) - Kleenex® Facial Tissues, 85 ct.

(5) - #2 Pencil, Pre-sharpened, 12 ct.

(6) - 2 Pocket Heavy Duty Poly Folder, Assorted Colors- with prongs 

(1) - Fiskars® Big Kids Scissors, 6", Ages 8+, Assorted Colors

(4) - Highlighters assorted colors

(4) - Self Stick Notes, 3" x 3", 100 sheets, Yellow

(5) - Wide Ruled Spiral Notebook, 70 ct., 3-Hole Punched, Assorted Colors, 10.5" x 8" 

(4) - Expo® Low Odor Dry Erase Marker, Chisel Tip, Black

(1) - Colored pencils 

(1) - Hand Sanitizer 

(2)- Glue Sticks

(2) - Eraser, Latex-Free

(1) Ziplock bags sandwich or quart (boys)

(1) Sharpie (girls) 

(1) - Pencil Pouch


(1) - Wired Headphones (to plug into a chromebook - no bluetooth) **MUST HAVE

(1) - Kleenex® Facial Tissues, 85 ct.

(1) - Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach-Free, Pop-up Canister (for surfaces, not for hands), 24 ct.

(2) - Hand Sanitizer 

(1) - Expo® Low Odor Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, 4 ct., Assorted Colors (Black, Blue, Green, Red)

(1) - Crayola® Markers, Classic, Broad Tip, 8 ct.

(3) - Self Stick Notes, 3" x 3", 100 sheets, Yellow

(1) - Crayola® Colored Pencils, Full Length, Sharpened, 12 ct.

(1) - Wide Ruled Filler Paper, 100 ct., 3-Hole Punched, 8" x 10.5"

(4) - #2 Pencil, Pre-sharpened, 12 ct.

(1)- Sharpener

(4) - Highlighters

(1) - Elmer's® Small Washable All Purpose School Glue Stick, .21 oz. OR Elmer's® Washable School Glue, 4 oz. 

(4) - College Ruled Composition Book, 100 ct., Black

(4) - 2 Pocket Heavy Duty Poly Folder, Assorted Colors

(2) - 1" Round Ring Binder, Assorted (Black, Gray, Blue, Red) for social studies and math

(1)- Scissors

(1)- Graph paper

(1)- Calculator simple calculator with basic functions 

(1)- Pencil case or bag 


(1) - Wired Headphones (to plug into a chromebook - no bluetooth) **MUST HAVE

(2) - Kleenex® Facial Tissues, 85 ct. 

(2) - Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach-Free, Pop-up Canister (for surfaces, not for hands)

(2) - Hand Sanitizer 

(2) - #2 Pencil, pre-sharpened, 12 ct. (1 for self, 1 for homeroom teacher)

(2) - 2 Pocket Folder, Assorted Colors

(3) - College Ruled Spiral Notebook, 70 ct.

(1) - Expo® Low Odor Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, 4 ct. (For Self)

(1) -Expo® Low Odor Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip 4 ct. (Optional Pack for Homeroom Teacher)

(1) - Self Stick Notes, 3" x 3", 100 sheets

(1) - Highlighters, Pocket, 1 Pack 

(1) - Graph paper

(1) - Scientific Calculator 


(1) - Wired Headphones (to plug into a chromebook - no bluetooth) **MUST HAVE

(2) - #2 Pencil,Pre-sharpened, 12 ct.

(2) - Kleenex® Facial Tissues, 85 ct.

(2) - Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach-Free, Pop-up Canister (for surfaces, not for hands), 24 ct.

(2) - Hand Sanitizer 

(1) - Expo® Low Odor Dry Erase Markers, Chisel Tip, 4 ct., Assorted Colors (Black, Blue, Green, Red) 

(1) - Highland® Self Stick Notes, 3" x 3", 100 sheets, Yellow

(1) - Highlighters, Pocket, 1 Pack 

(1) - Pack of graph paper

(1) - College Ruled Lined Paper

(2)- Notebook

(1) - Pack of 4 AAA Batteries

(1) - Pack of lined Notecards