Rules & Policy

Student Handbook Click Here

ID Badge Policy – Middle School Students

Middle school students are expected to have their school issued ID on around their necks during the school day.

The first ID lost will be replaced for free and every other ID lost after will be $5.00. Also, students will not be required to bring in cash as the lost ID will be directly billed onto the student's account. When this occurs, you will receive a phone call about the charge. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the Front Office. 303-364-3757

No Cell Phones


Due to misuse of cell phones during the school day, which has negatively impacted the learning environment, students will not be allowed to use their cell phones during the day, including lunch, recess, or in the bathrooms.

Should your child need to contact you, they may use the phone provided for them in the front office. Any sight, sound, or use of a cell phone by a student will result in the phone being confiscated, secured, and released only to a parent. Please support your child in adhering to this expectation by having them leave it at home or remind them to keep it off and put away here at school.

Please also encourage your student to be respectful, responsible and safe by reporting concerning issues and refraining from participation in disruptive behaviors.

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